Sweet & Spicy Romance

with a Pinch of


Historical Mafia Romance 

Sicily, 1920s


Serafina Laura Francesca Annunziata Grimaldi baronessa di Salina is the only heiress of the Grimaldi and Salina fortunes.

Her parents died when she was very young. She was sent to a private boarding school by her grandfather, who was her only close relative. Before he dies, her grandfather arranges her marriage to Barone di Salina.

She is 16.

The marriage is never consummated. The baron is only interested in her money.





Gaetano “Tano” Calogero Vitale is bound to the Mafia because they’re the only ones standing up to the nobles’ abuses.
His mother was raped by a nobleman. His father killed the rapist and was sent to life in jail for it, leaving Tano to grow up alone. He was raised in harsh conditions by a mid-level uomo d’onore.

When he’s 15, he’s sent to help protect a brothel. He learns about sex and from age 16 he becomes sexually involved with the girls. He doesn’t hate or despises them for what they do. He despises the men who believe they are innocent and that the girls enjoy having sex with them.